Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

I have been stirred by a verse in Micah chapter 6 for the last year. It simply states our calling as Christians and how we should live. In verse eight it tells us what the Lord requires of us. Simply to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before our God. I have been thinking a lot about the first requirement. What am I practically doing to bring justice to those that are being treated unfairly around the world? Did you know that slavery still exists in a lot of our world? I ran into an organization that literally buys people out of slavery, provides job training and gives them a chance at freedom. They are called the International Justice Mission. You can check out their site at www.ijm.org
Many youth groups from our city are getting together for an event on November 19th to plan out how we can raise money to buy the freedom of slaves. For around $500 you can buy someone out of slavery. I love that there is something very practical that we can do to act justly. Troy