Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

I have been stirred by a verse in Micah chapter 6 for the last year. It simply states our calling as Christians and how we should live. In verse eight it tells us what the Lord requires of us. Simply to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before our God. I have been thinking a lot about the first requirement. What am I practically doing to bring justice to those that are being treated unfairly around the world? Did you know that slavery still exists in a lot of our world? I ran into an organization that literally buys people out of slavery, provides job training and gives them a chance at freedom. They are called the International Justice Mission. You can check out their site at www.ijm.org
Many youth groups from our city are getting together for an event on November 19th to plan out how we can raise money to buy the freedom of slaves. For around $500 you can buy someone out of slavery. I love that there is something very practical that we can do to act justly. Troy

Friday, June 6, 2008

Change of pace + Change of location=Change of perspective

“Change of pace + Change of location=Change of perspective”

I once heard this quote from a guy named Mark Batterson and it has always stuck in my head. I decided to apply this piece of wisdom a few weekends ago. My gorgeous wife Sarah and I packed up our little gray civic with some food, games, books and a lot of clothes and headed off to a little ocean town a few hours away. As soon as we entered the town we spotted a community garage sale and found some treasures including some killer carrot cake and some vintage clothes. We then headed off to our condo and walked down by the ocean. We were astounded at God’s creation and his goodness in our lives. It didn’t take us long to resort back to our childhood as we found a big red kite to fly. It was amazing how the Lord refreshed and met us as we took some time away to be with each other and to be with Him. I left for the trip feeling exhausted and tired from a super busy season of ministry and came home feeling like I could take on the world. If you are feeling a bit weary, maybe it’s time to take to get away and be with your family and with the Lord.
p.s. Mark Batterson wrote an amazing book called “In a pit with a lion on a snowy day”.

Friday, May 23, 2008

"O My Soul" CD release concert

What a night! I don't normally use exclamation marks in my writing as I think they tend to be overused but this calls for a few!!! Tons of friends and family came out to support us on probably one of the hottest day I ever remember in Seattle. We played through the entire CD and I got to share the story and scriptures behind each song. The Lord really met us and ministered to us. He is so good. It was a night that I won't soon forget. Thanks to everyone who came and helped with this event. Until next time.
If you want to see some pics of the night check out www.myspace.com/troysmith and go to pics.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Cat's Out of the bag

Well the day is finally here. After years of praying and writing, months of recording and weeks of prep I can finally go up to my loft, open up some boxes and let people have the album. For today is the release of my first CD called "O My Soul". The title comes from a scripture that I ran across in psalm 42:11 where David is asking himself "why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." This scripture has taught me so much this past year. I constantly need to remind myself to put my hope in God and not in the things of this world. No matter what my circumstances are I need to remember that I have a Savior who gave His life for me. I have hope in this life and in eternity and I will praise the one who gives me hope.